Quest:A Lost Hunter

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A Lost Hunter
Level 96
Type Solo
Starts with Sarnir
Starts at Alagrant
Start Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [58.7S, 68.6W]
Ends with Sarnir
Ends at Alagrant
End Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [58.7S, 68.6W]
Quest Group Western Gondor: Blackroot Vale
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Dírion would not have me tell you this, for he is a prideful man, but I must.

'Dírion's hunting dog was not here when he awoke this morn, and I fear some ill fate has befallen it. Dírion does not have family in the vale, so his dog is the only true companion he has.

'I cannot help but wonder if it has gone east towards the Hill, though I hope it untrue. I pray you can bring his dog home, <name>...'


Dírion's hunting dog has gone missing amidst the troubles plaguing the vale, and Dírion now fears for his beloved pet's well-being.

Objective 1

Dírion's dog can be found somewhere east of Alagrant on the fields of Blackroot Vale.

Sarnir has informed you that Dírion's hunting dog has gone missing, and has asked you to aid in its safe return

Dírion's dog: You have found Dírion's dog wandering the fields of Blackroot Vale alone. The air has chilled since your arrival, and the dog looks visibly distressed, gnashing his teeth and growling.
Before you can even begin to discover what has disturbed him, the Dead rush forth!

Objective 2

  • Defend Dírion's dog from the dead

Sarnir has informed you that Dírion's hunting dog has gone missing, and has asked you to aid in its safe return

You have defended Dírion's dog, who now seems anxious to return home

Objective 3

  • Talk to Dírion

Dírion can be found in Alagrant in western Blackroot Vale.

You have rescued Dírion's dog from the Dead near the Hill of Erech and should now deliver the good news to him.

Dírion: 'The Dead tried to take him from me?
'I am sorry for how I treated you earlier, my friend. It gladdens my heart that my companion can join me on many more hunts, but I hop to keep him from wandering off again.
'You have my truest thanks, <name>.'

Objective 4

Sarnir can be found in Alagrant in western Blackroot Vale.

You have delivered Dírion's dog back into his care, and should now speak to Sarnir.

Sarnir: 'I am thankful that Dírion's dog is safe, but these tiding trouble me greatly.
'Your aid has been invaluable, <name>, but I fear you have done all you can for us here.'